[2023] All Electrical Safety Tools and Devices Explained

  As we know electricity is dangerous for our life. So, it is very risky for engineers and workers to work in power station, substation, transmission line or in whole power system. Therefore various types of electrical safety tools and devices are used to reduce the risk to life and protect the life of worker while working in field. Some of these safety tools and devices are listed below.

Electrical Safety Tools and Devices

1) Safety Belt

  A safety belt is a device that is worn around a person’s waist to serve a direct connection to an elevated structure. It is worn to arrest a fall and to protect a worker from a sudden descent or associated hazards when working at an elevated height like on pole, tower or building.

  Safety belt is less commonly prescribed in present time because body harness provides more protection and prevents injuries that may associated with the jolting of a worker in the event of fall.

2) Safety Helmet (Hard Hat)

  A safety helmet or hard hat is a type of helmet used in workplace or site to protect the head from injury due to falling objects, impact with other objects, debris, rain and electric shock.

3) Insulated Glove

  Insulated glove or electrical glove is the glove made of insulating material that offers personal hand protection for workers working on live wires, cables and electrical equipment including substation switch-gear, transformer or transmission line.

  It blocks electric current to pass through hand when workers touch live wire with hand. These gloves are manufactured for specific voltage level.

4) Safety Mat

  Electrical safety mat is an electrically insulated rubber mat designed to protect workers working from electric shock. It isolate the worker from the earth so that no leakage current pass through the body.

  It is used when operating switchboard, live LV- HV switchgear, substation, transformer, electrical workstation and so on.

5) Insulated Ladder

  Insulated ladder is design to resist electrical energy and to protect the worker from potential electrocution while working in hazardous situation. It isolates the worker from earth and blocks electric current to flow through the body when accidentally worker touches faulty part of the system.

6) Rescue Rod

  Rescue rod is insulated rod bent at on one end commonly used to remove or rescue a person who have electrocuted from the electrical energy.

  It is used in switch-room, substation, plant-room, generator room, UPS battery room and many other places in power system where is the risk of getting electric shock.

7) Portable Earthing

  Portable earthing is a safety device having three terminals (may be clamps or rods) to short all three phases and forth one to connect the shorted point to ground.

  Portable earthing is temporarily installed on isolated power circuits to provide a controlled path for short circuit current. It is used in overhead transmission line, substation, switchboard etc.

8) Operating Rod

  Operating rod is an rod having insulated handles with an attachment pendant that is connected to the operating device.

  It provides a safe way to operate high voltage equipments as insulation on handles offers high resistance to block electric current to flow through rod to bady.

9) Arc-flash Suit

  Arc-flash suit consists of collection of variety of electrical safety cloths including coverall, legging, apron, footwear, smock, glove, pant, hood, jacket and vest.

  Arc-flash suit is used while working at high voltage tower or substation or generating station to protect workers from serious injury or sickness that is caused from electrical work hazards like arc due to short circuit at high voltage or high voltage lightening and so on.


  Hope, you have clearly understand all about the electrical safety tools and devices. Make sure to leave your opinion or suggestion about this post in the comment section below.

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