[2023] All About Transformer Oil Explained in Detailed

Transformer Oil

Transformer Oil

  Transformer oil or (insulating oil) is a special oil which is stable at high temperature and has excellent insulating properties. It is an important part of the transformer. It is used in oil-filled transformer to insulate the winding, suppress corona effect, cool arc and dissipate the heat produced in winding and core of the transformer. It preserves the winding and core of the transformer as they are totally immersed in it.

Function of Insulating Oil in Transformer

  The main Function of the insulating oil in transformer is to insulate the winding and to dissipate the heat generated in winding and core due to any fault. It is also used to cool arc and suppress corona effect.

Properties of Transformer Oil

  Some specific properties of the insulating oil must be considered to determine it’s serviceability. It’s properties has been listed below.

Electrical Properties

  1. High Dielectric Strength
  2. High Specific Resistance

Chemical Properties

  1. Non-Hygroscopic
  2. Non-acidic
  3. High Chemical stability

Physical Properties

  1. High Thermal Conductivity
  2. High Inter-facial Tension
  3. Very High Flash Point

Types of Transformer Oil

There are two main types of insulating oil used in transformer whose are listed below.

  1. Paraffin Oil
  2. Naphtha Oil


  Naphtha is extremely volatile, strong smelting, highly flammable liquid hydro-carbon mixtures used as solvents and diluent and as raw material for the production of gasoline.


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