[2023] All About EMF Equation of Transformer Explained

    EMF equation of the transformer is the mathematical expression used to determine the magnitude of induced emf in the winding of the transformer. Consider N1 and N2 are the number of turns of the transformer's primary and secondary winding.

    When we supply an alternating voltage V1 of frequency f to the primary winding an alternating magnetic flux (Ï•) is produced by the primary winding in the core of the transformer. This alternating magnetic flux (Ï•) links with both primary and secondary winding of the transformer. As ac voltage is sinusoidal in nature then, the magnetic flux can be given by

ϕ = ϕmsinωt------(1)


Ï• is the alternating flux produced by the primary winding in the core of the transformer

Ï•m is the amplitude of the flux produced i.e. maximum value of the flux produced

ω is the angular frequency

t is the time period

    Now, according to the principle of electromagnetic induction instantaneous value of emf induced in the primary winding is given by

E1 = -N1 ( dÏ• / dt )

or, E1 = -N1 ( d(Ï•msinωt) / dt )

or, E1 = -N1ωϕmcosωt


-cosωt = sin(ωt-90)

ω = 2πf

or, E1 = 2Ï€fN1Ï•msin(ωt-90)

above equation can be written as

 E1 = Em1sin(ωt-90)------(2)


Em1 = 2Ï€fN1Ï•m is the maximum value of the induced EMF E1 

    Now for sinusoidal supply, the RMS value of EMF of the primary winding( E1 ) is given by,

E1 = (E1m) / sq.rt(2)

or, E1 = ( 2Ï€fN1Ï•m ) / sq.rt(2)

or, E1 = 4.44fN1Ï•m 

    Similarly, the RMS value of the EMF of the secondary winding (E1) is given by,

E2 = 4.44fN2Ï•m 


E = 4.44fNÏ•m is known as EMF equation of the transformer.


    Hope, you have clearly understand about the EMF equation of the transformer. Make sure to leave your opinion and suggestion about this post in the comment section.

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