[2023] All about Station or Unit Auxiliary Transformer Explained

    A station or unit auxiliary transformer is a step-down transformer that is used in generating stations or sub-stations to supply auxiliary machines in generating station and sub-station. Station transformer is used in generating station and sub-station to supply auxiliary components such as motor of automatically operated isolator, for station lighting, alarm circuit, control circuit, SCADA system, air conditioning and cooling system, civil work, daily maintenance work and so on.

    It's secondary winding is always connected to the auxiliary panel whereas primary winding is directly connected to the generator in generating station and to the incoming supply in the case of sub-stations. It is also used for charging emergency batteries of the generating stations and sub-stations.

    Minimum two or more than one station transformer must be used for one station in order to overcome single fault criteria i.e if fault occurs in one station transformer then should not lose supply to all auxiliaries of the station The working of station transformer become more complex when more than two station transformers are used on multi unit stations.

Importance of Station Transformer

    Station transformer is very important part of generating stations or sub-stations as it is used to supply all auxiliaries. It is used to supply the alarm circuit that is used to sound the alarm and alert workers in the case of any fault and control circuit that is used to control whole operation of the generating station and sub-station. It is important for the continuity of energy supply through-out the power system.


    Hope, you have clearly understand about station or unit auxiliary transformer and it's importance in generating stations and sub-stations. Make sure to leave your opinion and suggestion about the information available in this post in the comment section below.

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