[2024] All Factors Affecting the Capacitance of the Capacitor

  The factor that affects the capacitance of a capacitor are the cross-sectional area of the plates, the distance of separation between the plates and the permeability of the dielectric medium which are explained below.

Permeability of the Dielectric Medium

  Greater the permittivity of the dielectric medium, greater the capacitance of the capacitor i.e capacitance of the capacitor is directly proportional to the permeability of the dielectric material. Some materials offer less opposition to the field flux for a given amount of field force. Materials with greater permittivity allow more field flux. Hence greater charge is collected for a given amount of field force (applied voltage).

Distance of Separation between the Plates

    Greater the separation between the plates, lesser the capacitance of the capacitor i.e capacitance of the capacitor is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the plates. Greater the separation between plates result in lesser field force (voltage across capacitor divided by distance between plates) resulting lesser field flux (charge collected on the plates) for a given voltage across the plates.

Cross-Sectional area of the Plates

    Greater the cross-sectional area of the plates, lesser the capacitance of the capacitor i.e capacitance of the capacitor is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the plates. Larger cross-sectional area of the plates result in more field flux (charge collected on the plates) for a given field force (voltage across the plates).


    Hope, you have clearly understand about all the factors affecting the capacitance of the capacitor. Make sure to leave your opinion and suggestion about this post in the comment section below.

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